
Lucid are true and highly valued thinking partners. Their enthusiasm, experience and expertise has been key to unlocking strategic, consumer-centric and actionable insights, providing clarity and direction for the business … I could not recommend them enough

Our work

We’re best known for clear qual solutions for brand positioning / equity / assets, innovation and brand stretch, creative development and comms, packaging and design, and category analysis. We also do B2B work, and interview at high levels in business, government and the medical professions as well as major charitable donors.

Brand Positioning

Brand positioning / equity / assets

Marketing and brand consultancy backgrounds mean we bring real expertise to positioning work. We may start with a knowledge / trends review, workshop ideas with you, follow this with consumer sessions, narrow the options and conduct F2F or digital consumer work to reach the best way forward. Exploring brand equities / assets will typically include semiotic and cultural analysis. and involve implicit testing
Innovation & Brand Stretch

Innovation / brand stretch

We help you innovate in a faster, more agile way, working interactively and iteratively and matching the techniques to the task: knowledge rewind, trends analysis, workshops with you, individual or community work online, groups and / or big F2F interactive workshops with both consumers and you, leading to clear recommendations. We can also support or lead stimulus and concept development.
Comms & Creative Development

Comms / creative development

We’re passionate about creative ideas that are fresh, inspiring and effective. Backgrounds in advertising make us experts in comms, whether early-stage, exploring alternative ideas / routes or detailed optimisation. We ‘mimic reality’ as much as we can, often using a digital phase to gain system 1 responses, followed by F2F to understand why and optimise.

Design & Packaging

Design / packaging

We love good design that works. Previous roles in design and retail strategy make us skilled in both corporate / brand and individual / product / pack design. We often recommend mixed methods, using digital qual to gain system 1 responses, and F2F (online or in person) to understand the ‘why’ and optimise, complemented with integrated semiotics / cultural analysis.

Semiotics / cultural analysis

When a project has a strong visual dimension or cross-market application, we often recommend combining qual with semiotics and cultural analysis, using a unique ‘Double Helix’ approach we’ve developed that seamlessly integrates both. This gets more from the research and provides concrete, easy-to-implement guidelines and guardrails for brand assets and comms.

Category & Behaviour Analysis

Category / behaviour analysis

We love getting under the skin of how people perceive, engage and behave in a category. Typically this involves individual digital information-gathering on purchasing, consumption and attitudes, followed by in person or online work to dig deeper. We then apply our marketing expertise to identify the ‘rules of play’, drivers for success, and implications for your brand(s).

Executive Research

B2B / Executive / HCP research

We work with organisations (even nations) on attitudes to what they offer via high-level interviews with senior people in business and government, academic experts or the medical or dental professions. The fact that we’re senior ourselves means we’re taken seriously and able to have business-sensible conversations.

Internal Research

Internal research / consultation

We often facilitate or act as ‘voice of the consumer’ at internal strategy sessions. Some clients also engage us to bring our energy and facilitation skills to internal consultations, like exploring attitudes to culture and purpose with staff at different levels (anonymously, for engagement and honesty) and defining the implications.