We’re often told that the age group known as Millennials favours experiences over things. Queries about lumping everyone 18 – 30-something together aside, we do see evidence of this in our own research.
Travel is a massive draw (less about lying on the beach or the ‘getting away from it all’ we might hear from older generations, and more about discovering new things) and there is a palpable sense of not wanting to miss out on experiences while they are young and free
But (and it’s a big but)….
… Despite all the ‘life is out there’ attitude and the drive to go-there-do-that, the Millennials we meet are much more home loving in their motivations than this attitude would suggest, or than the media tends to portray them
We hear lots – and not just from the couples – about loving being in of an evening, in your jammies, on the sofa with a box set and the treats of your choice. We hear about settling down, creating a home, and appreciation for and interest in the simple, ordinary (non technological) things in life
We’ve also had some interesting findings on what Millennials say their main influences are. We’re told it’s all about friends for this age group, and friends do really matter to Millennials. But despite all the ‘friends are the new family’ hype, they tell us their key influencers are still…..Mum and Dad
Mum still nurtures and Dad still gives great advice. It’s still Mum I go to when my heart is broken, and Dad who helps me choose a mortgage. I might get my inspiration from friends and technology, but I then go to Mum and Dad before I make a decision
Brands would do well to recognise these dynamics
Energy, new horizons, ‘out there’ ideas and independent thinking all resonate powerfully with Millennials, and the notion of getting out of their comfort zone can be exciting. But brands take a risk if they assume these are the only (or best) values to espouse in relating to this generation. Home comforts, the simple life, easy pleasures and other non-tech values can be equally motivating
And bearing in mind that a lot of what they decide to do, think or feel, is through ‘the filter of mum and dad’, the implication may be the opportunity for more of a feeling of ‘solidity’ (groundedness and reliability) in the way brands communicate with and relate to them
For Millennials are not all they seem, it seems
These findings are from Lucid’s own original ‘State of the Nation’ research.

Maddy is Director of Lucid. She has been described as a ‘maestra’ with groups of people and is appreciated for her passion and commitment as well as the clarity of her strategic thinking, insight and expression. Maddy began her career in advertising at Ogilvy and BBH and then worked at the Arts Council, English National Opera, AEA consulting and Stimulating World Research before setting up Lucid.